Gosh, couldn't believe that the amount of money to be spent for home accessories is going to be half of what our renovation is gonna cost us.
Really going to be very careful not to burst our budget from this point onwards.
Anyway, on one of the weekends, Sam brought us to OSK Lightings to choose our Lightings and Toilet accessories.

At the shop, the sale people there kept insisting that we were to get the LED Lightings which is more costly than the conventional ones.
Yes, I do agree that it's greener and in the long run, we should save from our electrical bills. Was almost tempted to buy it, till I realized that the LED systems they are using, are pretty much customized.
Ok, when referred to customized, I mean it just some LED solder to a PCB board with some circuitry.
That is a big no no for me, as I have no intention to limit myself on where I have to get my replacement bulbs when they are spoilt.
And I could feel the pressure from their hard selling and luckily, I am not as gullible as they thought.
As I am aware that even with a normal halogen bulb holder, i can always grab one of those Philips led from the hardware shop.
So in the end, here are our selection for the spotlight. We bought 5 nos of the square ones for the house.

As for the downlighting , we also skip the Led hard sell, and insisting on normal PLC ones.
And one thing to take note off. The shop self proclaim that they had modified the light holder to accept those screw in bulbs so that the ballast is not required.
When i questioned them what is the cost difference light of i were to stick to the norm, with the ballast, they told me it the same cost.
I was like,"huh?". How can the ballast makes no difference in the cost of the entire set?
So I decided not to be bullshit by them and asked for the normal PLC downlighting which requires the ballast.

This is the light for our balcony area, specially chosen by my wife. We opt for the wall mount kit.

The top floor of OSK lighting is their bathroom accessories wing.
The sales up stairs are so much better.
As our renovation quote includes full house hot and cold plumbing service, we thought it would be good to have taps which could utilised it.
However, half way choosing the taps required for the house, we realized that it's pretty expensive to opt for 2 way taps for the entire house.
And considering that Singapore been a topical county, which is hot all year round, we just couldn't justify the need for hot water on our normal tap requirements.
Hence we cancelled our first selection and re-select it accordingly.
In the end only our master bath room and common shower will comes with 2 ways tap.
So here at rout selection. Nothing too fanciful.

For the heater we are still not sure if we had made a wrong choice to get the 25 liter as we will be getting a tub as well.

We also got our kitchen stove, hob and oven from that place.
Initially we chose the oven on the top. But might be changing to the ones below as it looks better.
Will decide when i get the specs from the shop.

Our stove package comes with the hob.

That trip had made a slight dent in our budget, especially when considering that we have yet to choose our tub.
And I had forgotten to take pictures of the rain shower back then. Silly me.