Sunday, February 23, 2014

We are on Lookbox

Ok, here are some outdated post all the way from Mar 2013.

Our house was featured on Lookbox Magazine. (No credits to our nightmare contractors/ID firm)

Should I start my own Design Studio?

Have being having this thoughts in my mind for a few years already.

Nearly thought that my dreams would be realised back then when someone told me to be a partner with him in a new venture. But unfortunately, it didn't really work out as what I thought.

It was just another businessman's ideal of churning out mass manufacturer lifeless product. So after 2 years, with another opportunity knocking on my doors, I bid goodbye to my partner.

However, the opportunity after 2 years with them, was another meaningless drone work of replicating what "they" want. Pretty much they just need a designer skills to help them draft, model and render what they like. And what they like is most of the time either rubbish OR someone else's product. IT like ripping off others people's design.

It's killing creativity at its max.

That is when "that" thought came to my mind again. Should I or should I not, take the risk and venture off into uncharted water and strike it out on my own.

Have always see the possibility of providing affordable designer furniture in our local market, some sort of an ikea but it will be more focus on design rather than flat packing matters.

But with much commitments on my shoulder, is what keeping me away from this idea every now and then.

What a dilemma have I put myself into.....

Anyway, with that, recently i realised that my place lacks a coffee table, hence i took some effort in working some concepts which might be my final piece for the living room.

FourPt Coffee Table in Solid Wood Top & Matt Black Frame
FourPt Coffee Table in Tempered Micro Etched Black Glass with Stainless Steel Frame
Personally, I felt that black frame works better for my place but I am so in love with the Micro Etched Black Glass look.